Posted on: 11/07/2014
Consumer Digital Health: Sadly, we see mass, high growth markets in the form of obesity, loneliness & isolation, long term conditions, mental health etc but as an industry, we have to ask ourselves, why is there such massive unmet need? After all, do the majority of people want to be lonely, isolated, obese or to manage their mental health issues unaided or want to develop complications from their chronic conditions? We think not.
Effective solutions to these growing problems have yet to be developed by established providers so we are asking the question “can the digital health industry develop effective, affordable and valued solutions to meet these needs?”
We have been looking at this carefully over the last year and would like to share our thinking with others dedicated to addressing this problem at our November conference “Rise of the consumer” CLICK HERE to go to the conference registration site.
For those who are interested, we will involve the delegation in a process that explores consumer digital health in detail which will culminate in an opportunity to form consortia to address these issues by developing “next gen” consumer health products and services. It’s time consumer digital health reached out beyond the wellness market to deliver real benefit to those in need – “at scale”.
Join us. Affordable, effective healthcare for all!