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Talented, experienced and dedicated... but driving blind?


Posted on: 6/11/2013

Developers (start ups, SMEs, corporates), Service Providers (established and new players), Investors, Pharma and the supply chain met in London to discuss the nature of the dysfunction affecting the current market. A unique document now exists representing consensus on this dysfunction after an iterative process of recording, review and documentation involving 40 leaders in the field. In addition, near consensus was reached on the future trajectory of the market, bearing in mind that close to 40 aspects of dysfunction were identified affecting all aspects of the value chain. A new landscape has been predicted; a paradigm shift required.


This is a market populated by talented people with successful track records in other fields. It is a market with small bands of enthusiasts, trying to change complex and massive delivery systems. And digital healthcare remains a niche market relative to the scale of the challenge ahead.


It's difficult to move forward when driving blind. Navigation is always easier when you know where you're heading and how to get there. D Health is planning for the next phase.


If you need this market to move - we'll help you work with others to make this happen.


Steve Dodsworth



info @dhealth.co.uk