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Insight Reports



Digital health has been the subject of many optimistic reports in recent years indicating significant growth, however, this has been a more challenging market than many anticipated. As specialists in the field with an insider's view of the market, D health's insight reports provide a more balanced perspective than many of the reports developed by generalist market research agencies and as such, present very real and therefore valuable perspectives on the dynamics of the fascinating market.


These reports are provided free of charge to Catalyst members and may be purchased separately or received as part of the Catalyst Intelligence service.






Market Insight report: Evolution and Opportunity In Consumer Digital Health


Rapid growth in the consumer digital health market has become evident in the form of wearables (wrist-bands & watches) and Apps. What was once a space occupied by start-ups and SMEs is now becoming busier with offerings from technology corporates. The market is largely based on wellbeing and this crowded space is likely to become saturated with "me too" offerings. With this in mind D Health asks:


Evolution and Opportunity in Consumer Digital Health will:




Market Insight report: Digital Healthcare 2015 – 2020  click here for a summary

Published Date November 2014


D Health’s second insight report of 2014 examines the likely evolution of digital health over the period 2015 – 2020.


Who is it for?

This report is aimed specifically at industry and illustrates where market growth will occur and why. In addition, it illustrates how the company base within the sector will evolve and the basis of successful strategies to enable them to compete in an increasingly active but uncertain landscape.


This report:

This is essential reading for any commercial organisation that aims to develop its interests in the digital health market in the period 2015 - 2020.


It provides important perspectives for organisations that are:



Ideally, this report should be read in conjunction with D Health's first insight report of 2014: A Strategic Review of Digital Health.


Target audience tags: medtech, developers; investors; corporates; third sector; retailers; regulatory bodies; pharmaceutical companies.

This report is of interest to start-ups, SMEs, Corporates, state, investors and the third sector. Pricing is structured accordingly.


Please email info@dhealth.co.uk for pricing information.






A Strategic Review of Digital Health - Click here for a pdf SUMMARY

Published Date January 2013


Digital healthcare is a holistic term which incorporates telemedicine, telehealth, telecare, E-Health, Med-Tech, Bio-Tech, M-Health, health IT and assisted living. It describes the contribution of digital technology to the development of sustainable healthcare systems in the face of unprecedented challenge.


D Health’s report reviews the dysfunction and drivers underpinning the European digital health market exploring the reasons behind slow and sometimes ineffective adoption by service providers and limited commercial success for developers.  The report illustrates why new types of players in the market will drive growth ahead of significant uptake by state funded providers. It examines the likely dynamics of the market and the strategic implications for the key actors in the sector.


This is a fundamental document that marks the closing of a challenging and disappointing chapter in the evolution of digital health and the beginning of a new growth phase.


Who is it for?

D Health has published this report for those who have knowledge and experience of the digital healthcare market as well as those who are looking on with interest and attempting to assess the scale of the opportunity before market entry.


Target audience tags: developers; investors; service providers; corporates; third sector; retailers; regulatory bodies; healthcare professionals; pharmaceutical companies; procurement specialists

This report is of interest to start-ups, SMEs, Corporates, state and private providers, investors and the third sector. Pricing is structured accordingly.


Please email info@dhealth.co.uk for pricing information.


To date, the predictions within the document have proved to be accurate.




The Broken Report - click here for the full report


At the beginning of 2013, D Health examined the dysfunction affecting the digital health market and shared its thinking at a workshop, with 40 leaders in the field, in September of that year. This document provides a summary of the shared thinking on dysfunction affecting the market and an overview of its future dynamics.


Who is it for?

This report is relevant to any organisation either operating in the field of digital health or with ambitions to enter the market.


Target audience tags: developers; investors; service providers; corporates; third sector; retailers; regulatory bodies; healthcare professionals; pharmaceutical companies; procurement specialists

This report is of interest to start-ups, SMEs, Corporates, state and private providers, investors and the third sector.


This report can be down loaded without charge.